Veronique Beauprez
2 min readNov 24, 2021


Angry? Me?

Off course I am, no question about that. But what about you? Your children?

And what about the world?

Manifestation of anger

Populism, terrorist attacks, worldwide revolutions and uprisings, threats to public figures, hatred, and envy on social media.

These are all points to the fact that we are increasingly in a "Time of anger," as the title of the book by the British-Indian writer Pankaj Mishra.

Everyone is indignant or angry, but in this day and age, it seems as if there are perma-net moods of anger, rage, and vindictiveness.

This makes classic questions topical like,

How should anger be understood?

Is it always inappropriate and should it be controlled and contained under all circumstances?

Or is anger necessary to bring attention to structural injustices and force change?

The justification of anger is very sensitive. In our culture anger is already taboo since self-control is the norm; the use of violence as an
expression of anger is indefensible.

I explore these questions against the background of the recent manifestations against covid-19 restrictions and the Wisconsin parade.

How should we interpret all those forms of appearance of anger and - derived from that - how should we deal with them?

In my research this week I have found an approach of the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum.

Her book, “Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice" published in 2016, as well as the "Jefferson Lecture" recently held by her, serve as the starting point for my analysis.

Nussbaum represents the pretty broad-based social liberal intellectual movement that believes that anger is unreasonable, uncivilized, and barbaric, and that one should use this emotion as much as possible.

She beliefs conflicts are the basis for improvement.

I agree.

How do we handle our anger?

Is the world ready for such a big life lesson?

My research proceeds.

No doubt, in my next article additional authors’ opinions will appear.

I will keep you posted.

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